Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs is concerned with everything related to the academic and educational aspects of the college, which derives from the philosophy, vision, mission and strategic objectives of the college that focus on quality in education through the development of academic and training plans and programs in accordance under the standards of quality and academic excellence.
Today, with the educational development and attention to quality before quantity, the responsibility has become great for developing programs that take into account modern curricula and teaching methods, so that the college takes the position it deserves to build a knowledge society and a house of expertise at the local, regional and global levels.
It is linked to the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs and development:
- Students Affairs.
- college registrar.
- Student activities.
- exams.
- educational affairs.
- Student rights.
- Clinical Affairs
- development and quality unit
- Evaluation and Measurement Unit
- Academic Advising Unit.
- Educational Services Unit
- e-Learning unit
- Alumni Association
The main tasks of the Vice Deanship for Academic Educational Affairs are as follows:
- Supervising the academic and educational performance in the college.
- Supervising student activities (cultural, social, sports)
- Supervising the student rights functions of the advisory board.
- Supervising academic advising.
- Study and follow up of student cases.
- Supervising clinical affiars
- Supervising development and quality uint
Vice Deanship for Clinical Affairs is concerned with supervising the practical aspect to provide students with clinical skills related to the completion of the study plan in the departments of the college during the academic years. in addition, Vice Deanship for Clinical Affairs is the authority which authorized to supervise and follow up training and skills acquisition for students during clinical years and to coordinate with hospitals and health authorities inside and outside the Assir region, in order to prepare students to work in the various health sectors and to provide high-quality health care for the patient.
- Counting the numbers of male and female students applying to study the internship (all academic departments)
- Follow up all results of applicants in cooperation with the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs.
- Coordinating with all hospitals and medical centers throughout the Kingdom and providing admission for all male and female students to spend the compulsory internship period.
- Checking all financial accounts of all students and documenting them electronically.
- Forming a committee from all departments to follow up with the students after their distribution in the hospitals.
- Distribution of all regulations and tasks required to internship students.
- Visiting all hospitals in the Assir region to follow up with the students during the internship period.
- Overcoming all difficulties that might face the students.
- Issuing certificates of completion for all male and female students after completing the training period.
Field Training
The training period is the summary of the academic study and the stage of starting from theoretical education to continuous practical application in the training places, which may be the places of employment and work in the future. Indeed, some reputable health facilities focus and scrutinize the training period more than focusing on the general rate and the final estimate, as some contact the training centers before accepting employment applications and ask about the extent of discipline, responsibility, and seriousness during the training period, because it is the real test and The practical realistic measure, not just the theoretical academic achievement rate، As the job is an applied work and not an abstract theoretical study. Based on that, the student must demonstrate professional ethics, the most important of which is honesty, as well as proficiency with the attendant seriousness, perseverance, sincerity, discipline, mutual respect, patience, and time commitment, This will guarantee that the student will obtain the best results and reflect an honorable image. His success and superiority are success and honor for his department, college, and university in general.
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: (God loves if one of you does a job that he does it well). In light of the continuous support of the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for science, based on the vision of the Kingdom 2030 and its strategic goals, the Vice Deanship for Development and Quality is committed to spreading and consolidating the culture of quality operations, ensuring and affirming them in all the college’s systems, activities, and practices.
The Vice Deanship for Development and Quality is keen to spread and consolidate the continuous development process in all the academic and administrative operations of the College.
In addition, the deanship seeks with all its employees to raise the outputs of teaching and learning in line with the requirements and changes of the modern era considering the effective educational system based on the vision, mission, and objectives of the strategic and operational plan of King Khalid University and the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Khamis Mushait.
The deanship adopts continuous improvement of the internal review process for academic departments through ongoing follow-up of periodic reports from educational programs based on evidence, performance indicators, and benchmarking to ensure a rapid response to path correction and performance improvement. Accordingly, this will allow achieving the satisfaction and expectations of beneficiaries of services and the outputs of the college, and God is the guardian of success.
It is linked to the Vice Deanship for Development and Quality:
- Development and Quality Unit
The Development and Quality Unit is linked to the Vice Dean for Development and Quality to make the college in the ranks of scientific and practical health colleges at the national and international levels. (Development and Quality Unit)
- Evaluation and Measurement Unit
The evaluation and Measurement Unit is concerned with activating and following up the implementation of the tasks of the Measurement and Evaluation Center based on clarity in the vision and the development of practices based on procedural definitions of those tasks according to a system of values that govern the measurement and evaluation process in general and the academic university, in particular, to achieve development and quality requirements and provide evidence-based information to decision-makers. (Evaluation and Measurement Unit)
- Alumni Association
The association targets college graduates and aims to strengthen the relationship of graduates with the university, provide a platform to raise their issues and aspirations, involve them in the university’s various events and activities, take advantage of the facilities and services available provided by the university in using its scientific and cultural facilities, and work to develop their capabilities and train them to qualify them for the labor market. (Alumni Association)
Development and Quality Committee
Plans and Curriculum Committee
Community Service Committee