Faculty news

Student Club achieves advanced Position at 9th Cultural…

The student club of the College of Nursing, Khamis Mushait, achieved second place in the ninth…

Cultural Olympiad

In the presence of His Excellency the Dean of the College of Nursing in Khamis Mushayt, Dr. Mishael Al-Alyani,…

Sports Program

On Wednesday, 4/17/1445, the Club of the College of Nursing for Female Students, Khamis Mushait, held an event…

Towards an educated Saudi generation

The Student Club of the College of Nursing, Khamis Mushait, ended the last events of the program (towards a…

First interactive meeting

In the presence of His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, the Student Club of the Faculty of Nursing,…

Awareness program about osteoporosis

The College of Nursing in Khamis Mushait, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs for female…

Mental health Event

The College of Nursing in Khamis Mushait, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs for female…