College News

Health Education Event to Prevent Smoking at King Khalid…

The College of Nursing, Khamis Mushayt, conducted an educational event entitled Smoking Prevention at King…

New Students Reception Ceremony 1445

The College held an introductory meeting for new students on  13 Safar, 1445 A.H. The meeting was attended by His Excellency the…

King Khalid University Strategy 2030
Beneficiaries Care Center

Through this center, the university beneficiaries can submit their suggestions, inquiries, and complaints by…

Ceremony Honoring Retirees 1444

The College of Applied Medical Sciences and the College of Nursing, Khamis Mushait honored, on Wednesday…

The launch of the scientific program for internship students

The scientific program for internship students was launched by giving lectures on the regulations  of the…

Internship Training Program 2023

The College of Nursing, Khamis Mushait, held the induction program ceremony for the internship. On Tuesday,…